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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Cadmium Zinc Alloys

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manufactures world-class cadmium zinc alloys using state-of-the-art processing technologies. cd-zn products are marketed under the CZ trade name and manufactured in our modern 100,000-square-foot plant .
Our list of products include cadmium zinc  alloys, slush casting alloys, steel coating alloys, gravity casting alloys, and mold base alloys. 

 By manufacturing quality alloys, maintaining an A2LA certified lab, and providing unrivaled technical services, calcium metals  has raised the bar for customer satisfaction.

met INDIA  is also a technical resource for the jewllery casting industry, and our website is a leading resource of information regarding the die casting process.  If the information you are looking for is not found on our website, or if you are considering making die casting parts and are looking for a die casting manufacturer, please contact us directly to discuss your needs.

CALL US FOR DEATIL . 09702003900

CADMIUM ZINC ALLOYS use in immetation jewllery manuf. unit .

CD 60/40 , 70/30, 90/10, 95/5 grade available as per order .

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Aluminium Cubes, Aluminium Ingots, Aluminium Powders, Aluminium Shots, Aluminium Sticks, Antimony Metal, Arsenic Metal, Bismuth Metal, Brass, Brass Metal, Cadmium Anode, Cadmium Metal, Cadmium Plate, Cadmium Stick, Cadmium Zinc Alloys, Calcium Aluminium Alloys, Calcium Granules, Calcium Lumps, Calcium Metal, Case Hardened Steel, Chrome Moly Steel, Cold Work Steel, Copper Phosphorus Patta, Die And Tool Steel, Ferro Molly, Ferrous Metal, Ferrous Raw Materials, Hot Work Steel, Lead, Lead Alloys, Lead Anodes, Lead Ingots, Nickel Cathodes, Nickel Inco, Nitriding Steel, Non Ferrous Raw Materials, Plastic Mould Steel, Potassium Cyanide, Selenium Metal, Tin Ingot, Tin Ingots, Zinc Ingot, Zinc Ingots, Zinc Metal